K.L.Dheeraj creates 2 more records in “Indian Book of records” at the age of 3 years 7 months:

Master K.L.Dheeraj aged 3 years and 7 months is already a record holder on “Indian Book of records” and was awarded as the “Youngest to identify most number of flags” by identifying 215 country flags in 2 minutes and 19 seconds at the age of 2 years and 9 months under the platform of Rotary club of Royapettah on April 22nd 2012.

Dheeraj was back on action with yet another scintillating record attempt on 8th February 2013 in the presence of the representatives of “Indian Book of Records”, Justice.S.Mohan, Supreme Court Judge (Retd.), Prabhu Solomon, Film Director, K.Rajan, Tamil Film Producer and Educationalist, Rt.D.Chellappa, President, Rotary Club of Royapettah, Chennai and many other guests towards identifying “83 Names of Inventors by identifying at their Inventions” printed on a Board in a time frame of 1 minute.

In addition to that, Dheeraj also performed a special record breaking attempt by “Solving World Map Puzzle” and broke an existing record time of 4 minutes and 49 seconds created by Vyam Ahuja of Lucknow, by solving the same in 3 Minutes and 20 Seconds and listed his name in the “Indian Book of Records”.